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Wardrobe for Chrome

Out of sight, out of mind
Hide tabs when you switch to something else, and bring them back when you need them again.

Read later
Keep tabs in Wardrobe until you have time to work with them.

Less noise, less memory
Be less distracted by tabs you don’t need right now, and free some RAM too.

Get the Chrome Extension
Also available for Firefox

― Why not bookmarks?
― Bookmarks are for storing large collections of pages permanently. Wardrobe is for stashing several tabs temporarily. Putting tabs into Wardrobe and taking them out only takes two clicks.

― Why not tab groups or separate windows?
― Tab groups and separate windows are excellent ways to organize open tabs. But they remain open, polluting your workspace and taking up your computer’s memory. With Wardrobe, you only see tabs you need at the moment.

1.1.0 (20 September, 21)
– Added import/export.

1.0.3 and 1.0.4 (12 April, 21)
– Fixed some bugs where some large collections of tabs would not be saved.

1.0.2 (6 April, 21)
– Pinned tabs remain pinned when taken out of Wardrobe.

1.0.0 (17 March, 21)
–Initial release, woo-hoo!

Created by Vlad.studio   ·   Contact
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